D. Leann Long

Associate Professor,
Wake Forest University School of Medicine

Hello, and thanks for visiting!

I’m a biostatistician and data scientist in the Wake Forest University School of Medicine


My research interests center around marginalized zero-inflated count regression models and their applications to public health. My dissertation specifically examined marginalized zero-inflated Poisson regression. My expertise in this area has led to applications of these models to dental caries indices, which are characterized by a high prevalence of zero counts, and to investigate the influence of overall exposure effects within these models. As a co-investigator and lead statistician on various research projects, I have contributed to a wide array of public health studies. These studies have addressed critical issues such as adolescent transportation safety, stroke care delivery, social determinants of health that impact diabetes and hypertension, neurological disorders, chronic low back pain, firearms safety, and youth soccer injury prevention. My work has also explored the effects of cell phone laws on young drivers, prescription drug overdose prevention, and neonatal abstinence syndrome. With over 60 publications in peer-reviewed journals, I have significantly advanced public health research, with work appearing in prominent journals like the American Journal of Epidemiology, Diabetes Care, Neurology, and Hypertension.


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